SATURDATESRUARY 20 DRONTO STARI E TOGETHER WE CAN BLDANEW SICOS > PARTNER CONTENT AFTER SEVERAL SURGERIES, CORI'S SEIZURES HAVE SUBSIDED ÅND SHE IS BACK TO MAKING TIKTOKS Cori ecoe hom broi rgey in Arl 2017. Sugona ried teremovea leson fhot wos coving her i bur could emoe n Morch 2018. Co ndergoes gery gol nerve imlation devics brain, which helps mplon Cari pehe b yer during o y a he tpiney Manining e he see Cori Inniss, 11 Maple, Ont. Instamod eing she had weind feling in ber rige hand Smerimes i feh tingh, she sd her pane. Her fay refemed em peie Be the vit we ere Co inteninede diiedas the imagiingsof kid kking k ain Eigheen lates, Ciat er fine maj seie She w bed by ambula her me in Maglethe l ho here she w h relemed rgery in 2017 e g deputment Te hngil e S Cde dshe peridl e irillhe y med Skid spevilin inie felngng ber g ide Cori der huter of Dp ng lim fe laes dey deime ntmda e MRnd CT. EE0 e cleotial tiiy in she bein The wmining wemet opeie whh wina te e plnes and sing PETI detehanes in bo nbingens re the he beis emie m eal al and cheml mti keion Thghwhigy Halthey even graed dl e lest l SEGmere the e feldeted e the d , ithe bieselesieal atirin Coripenda her en day in hpl he b Carianow nanoging welwh he lelp ol on implaned vie gls ha Ang the mt prewing ic huve worket her sei aled Sak gial e day endened operning ed S had leen de f which am dhan 5 ly aptin of er yean. Low celing heighn. ndinatinofedt the wng por, di oald have haies Rma a rampet pernanenty kat bility on her d d laggal righe vide w pde wih a nnng in le her at iing Ciof her delliaing wes The seing showedCoia falotal dplanie le Aprl. Cri adewo Se the ries Cha oed he speating em A part of this anlimn Skiigaing i omli of herentedotes peries The fine ape he inglaned wiha device pening wh he l qipm h y and ng wh an eeing mi di thut helpa reglne her ein he ter leref the tein ie iviny inrel tine hich had bes pree befe se wasbnla hat pan fher ineedation ediatios Ni, she' in ging pet dd her bein, e s develged Aplaie shetofeledes ed tackding wha he iedidey a ledder hek mer the cing ies Fa f tirfe, w de ing fche Rape iagined the en d ef the wi Chand hal benid F dys les Coei umed fofei s perpant he had teen ened veion The hopital ed kven making dance TATand e that matb of in l Athe biedtspevilied eC pardarie egal al in the ki sgepte e o neat 2 paieye the opertingnamr the otion uneers, ler parents wen Theghit wiefkee d Cendin bece ed that rehubdhe lng Many ae cmples paie e wing The wire ce ddo Cori nded Co who i tend emene fegty and seve warka ky andw dlcne pedare on che brin wner het and spinal d Help us reach our 2021 goal of 1,000 new monthly donors. Donate now and your monthly gift will be matched for a year. wwlding TORONTO STAR San e adeden Creues peable to Scnds foundation, ee ororto Sar. Owgi et. rto ON ME 10 4 81312 SATURDATESRUARY 20 DRONTO STARI E TOGETHER WE CAN BLDANEW SICOS > PARTNER CONTENT AFTER SEVERAL SURGERIES, CORI'S SEIZURES HAVE SUBSIDED ÅND SHE IS BACK TO MAKING TIKTOKS Cori ecoe hom broi rgey in Arl 2017. Sugona ried teremovea leson fhot wos coving her i bur could emoe n Morch 2018. Co ndergoes gery gol nerve imlation devics brain, which helps mplon Cari pehe b yer during o y a he tpiney Manining e he see Cori Inniss, 11 Maple, Ont. Instamod eing she had weind feling in ber rige hand Smerimes i feh tingh, she sd her pane. Her fay refemed em peie Be the vit we ere Co inteninede diiedas the imagiingsof kid kking k ain Eigheen lates, Ciat er fine maj seie She w bed by ambula her me in Maglethe l ho here she w h relemed rgery in 2017 e g deputment Te hngil e S Cde dshe peridl e irillhe y med Skid spevilin inie felngng ber g ide Cori der huter of Dp ng lim fe laes dey deime ntmda e MRnd CT. EE0 e cleotial tiiy in she bein The wmining wemet opeie whh wina te e plnes and sing PETI detehanes in bo nbingens re the he beis emie m eal al and cheml mti keion Thghwhigy Halthey even graed dl e lest l SEGmere the e feldeted e the d , ithe bieselesieal atirin Coripenda her en day in hpl he b Carianow nanoging welwh he lelp ol on implaned vie gls ha Ang the mt prewing ic huve worket her sei aled Sak gial e day endened operning ed S had leen de f which am dhan 5 ly aptin of er yean. Low celing heighn. ndinatinofedt the wng por, di oald have haies Rma a rampet pernanenty kat bility on her d d laggal righe vide w pde wih a nnng in le her at iing Ciof her delliaing wes The seing showedCoia falotal dplanie le Aprl. Cri adewo Se the ries Cha oed he speating em A part of this anlimn Skiigaing i omli of herentedotes peries The fine ape he inglaned wiha device pening wh he l qipm h y and ng wh an eeing mi di thut helpa reglne her ein he ter leref the tein ie iviny inrel tine hich had bes pree befe se wasbnla hat pan fher ineedation ediatios Ni, she' in ging pet dd her bein, e s develged Aplaie shetofeledes ed tackding wha he iedidey a ledder hek mer the cing ies Fa f tirfe, w de ing fche Rape iagined the en d ef the wi Chand hal benid F dys les Coei umed fofei s perpant he had teen ened veion The hopital ed kven making dance TATand e that matb of in l Athe biedtspevilied eC pardarie egal al in the ki sgepte e o neat 2 paieye the opertingnamr the otion uneers, ler parents wen Theghit wiefkee d Cendin bece ed that rehubdhe lng Many ae cmples paie e wing The wire ce ddo Cori nded Co who i tend emene fegty and seve warka ky andw dlcne pedare on che brin wner het and spinal d Help us reach our 2021 goal of 1,000 new monthly donors. Donate now and your monthly gift will be matched for a year. wwlding TORONTO STAR San e adeden Creues peable to Scnds foundation, ee ororto Sar. Owgi et. rto ON ME 10 4 81312