Provide the hungry, homeless in Toronto a complete THANKSGIVING MEAL... for just $4.25! Since 1941, The Scott Mission has provided the hungry and homeless of Toronto with nourishment for their bodies and souls. But we need your help. This Thanksgiving season, we expect to fill more than 7,356 plates for those who are hungry and who have nowhere else to go. Please help provide as many meals as you can.all it takes is $4.25 to give help and hope this Thanksgiving. Thank you! GIVE NOW! MAIL IN COUPON WITH YOUR CHEQUE GIVE BY MAIL YES! I will help feed Send the coupon along with your cheque, made payable to The Scott Mission, to: the hungry and homeless in Toronto this Thanksgiving! Enclosed is my Thanksgiving gift of The Scott Mission, 502 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario MSS 2HI I$25.50 to provide 6 meals $42.50 to provide 10 meals GIVE BY PHONE S63.75 to provide 15 meals (416) 923-2400 (Mon-Fri, from 9-5) IOS106.25 to provide 25 meals $297.50 to provide 70 meals GIVE ONLINE IOS595.00 to provide 140 meals Meals OS to help as many as possible TS0825 The So M isiod Canadin harity onded in 194 Gs e recpable Casadian Ca Regatin No 107 363 RR0 The Scott mission A Christian Ministry of Mercy and Love Provide the hungry, homeless in Toronto a complete THANKSGIVING MEAL... for just $4.25! Since 1941, The Scott Mission has provided the hungry and homeless of Toronto with nourishment for their bodies and souls. But we need your help. This Thanksgiving season, we expect to fill more than 7,356 plates for those who are hungry and who have nowhere else to go. Please help provide as many meals as you can.all it takes is $4.25 to give help and hope this Thanksgiving. Thank you! GIVE NOW! MAIL IN COUPON WITH YOUR CHEQUE GIVE BY MAIL YES! I will help feed Send the coupon along with your cheque, made payable to The Scott Mission, to: the hungry and homeless in Toronto this Thanksgiving! Enclosed is my Thanksgiving gift of The Scott Mission, 502 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario MSS 2HI I$25.50 to provide 6 meals $42.50 to provide 10 meals GIVE BY PHONE S63.75 to provide 15 meals (416) 923-2400 (Mon-Fri, from 9-5) IOS106.25 to provide 25 meals $297.50 to provide 70 meals GIVE ONLINE IOS595.00 to provide 140 meals Meals OS to help as many as possible TS0825 The So M isiod Canadin harity onded in 194 Gs e recpable Casadian Ca Regatin No 107 363 RR0 The Scott mission A Christian Ministry of Mercy and Love