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    February 12, 2021
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SPONSORED A CITADELL SCHOOL MAINTAINS EXCELLENCE DURING THE PANDEMIC la Citodelle's dedication to its students has ellowed them to continue to succeed and thrive during the pandemic det whdofde f di eide efhd nd tna per ceia eing inar of de Thehe m whh woe fodwi wten e ONIDndoeh e Ce latin len e intaling Fe iee dwiewe enpeimetd PROTECTNO TUDENTS WITHA e mal hndad p ALTH AND LAFETT PROTOCOL hek n a leer laa ped n din ae ma igh amtan dodtn ndd n "We fundanal kingperiencen li mponliy pide ado wah Vanli made amenkon fkn Gdes . pemicigunng in of monded slae inewihaliminod seblanor of maks, wte The shool kol paramang the ame orhing hand or p ber of edes itaneh n and akny whe miing kp e dy king e m , Thiswete eanem in pe in thei Nha headmerf he No t kimdellhei pnal sps Non de tnd had p k u la . aing in oering d Pae andhdrd thee andSadery t cn in the sketary leve C per ceofdese ivie they w hdne in the aning nline There soe m ON e e ing hat downd e hi des eended hetlen The dmedthine nod th as t fh p lc La Crdete methe chullen. I denn wow p duing dae dane od iode wokw cipin of he hden the and e nd he wkepen theran aherndopnetm o TIAR LATE eal de of whd befer Manb he e nd pty eod intheie comper m torknde The Jane kuming de ol kieptenl p ade Cde esake he all d e d h ne eginnd laca wtdh dand r in pep r pnsial e aing Cadle kned an mlag The whd hat neda vey dea ed de-and diiting of the fecie in lehef the KIAID e w inge LaCaep ie The wetcam hlped ke r yai y ne ding dhe pylodaotin mand lan ingy. hn did f tac wmlenene he helpdlatae e ved bed e Th ing af pided ade tanen we je enga thes haen he waw eda da Sde ded dun and nal nd odninal atlie d in du p ivie ns N . hl d inEnd Freh mehemes and ioncen den ris rde w omp fndamenl th You want to continue to Mhnd he henla dring dtie i Cale e ve pelf eler offer your students the a ingee he pe nimping nd plasndsisn f tin wwdo They en ed mhon the d p inghe Manh tk nd of instruction and peopune ke the le ching Peryehe wh ee theis pland me eedett e t li leing Thidng dee yma g cp f ring d lge chalnn m cha "Tipa ty meif ywa fler e the seme eelle dey of inghe n ie ing d ding daly einanata ea a se e id alaro R nd ttaCe hare beme Atoe in mp d diglaka gagof aden day some excellent quality ingkn he tle netlin leen. I me wa he edinal ba bte he "Theirmpreive. petel and yenher e then e. diined mde eide The metal and ednal deve le wdetermined iteingd len in tl mind duy mpethei wne lia themind be d per education during the lockdown B the w t LaCe, i at h d th pa s they and y of teircomm henloe When hd d the ingf Ment Manh la ko ir tnaleam Clete wale t erpe or ond nl ig TaCealelle kan deediet their pn todinE vitest he ore line. t wah reesks le in din md the leeg e Ggle e fir e dne da tt Ou e e ing the i de The enihd g the dedi dinehengingi and aly vhnid wah he e aCalle' mtary shnd che tedaf wven poinda de and l di d ly deove ogitin ther incode hi pende hu been HOW THET ROSE TO THE CHALN p hin chalings, he ewben nd aff La Ciadelie lied ee wow the hod der veded nlein heir anine d think the vt dading pm mal nde be har the uly dclane t an wh e made Lale eprinl pla an etee evey perle tha la Jne 20, the ad la ddin The shd ik er det eendf hed in ing wh glean echleninhem INe hieve their be ademically and EPERIENCE ONINE penw the pe ery r ppwin h er ad Gdine la odol perialoilenei Telen aty at he beie mninary Coke I Wir t od sin handeem ntlate Theahe t undd wene and handk. uled e the eperience, gainel the kedwhin c The fthe piv we ate the hd hat nety f id Mahe i e e hei aded o edwn and wellbeing e den te de b Man d ing l he i al te e theipaed etnd gef the chton, the eUKl n ma wih wwhondthe hldingh i taa Vie lae m Thed hednl e d laae ad dary al e Eernatn a nd ie the deme ig eadnini P l ingepernl deshewaakades ia Depare Sed niveniy pope desa dingale Vlae ped ti t e pon Aoe he ge hen dionringtkey inae. aits and theirdevi the w epere nd en pety eingwih porwnal pwih o imed den ant dingpeof k nd ndn nd ltiveies the whe wd d ing The tent einknation in wh edan. Themas, teankk vewh ei peon Sae dtor hieves des alin * e LA CITADELLE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCE ACADEMIC DISTINCTION & EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2021-2022 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! AP wLACTADELLEACADEMYCOM | 14I 3-5 SPONSORED A CITADELL SCHOOL MAINTAINS EXCELLENCE DURING THE PANDEMIC la Citodelle's dedication to its students has ellowed them to continue to succeed and thrive during the pandemic det whdofde f di eide efhd nd tna per ceia eing inar of de Thehe m whh woe fodwi wten e ONIDndoeh e Ce latin len e intaling Fe iee dwiewe enpeimetd PROTECTNO TUDENTS WITHA e mal hndad p ALTH AND LAFETT PROTOCOL hek n a leer laa ped n din ae ma igh amtan dodtn ndd n "We fundanal kingperiencen li mponliy pide ado wah Vanli made amenkon fkn Gdes . pemicigunng in of monded slae inewihaliminod seblanor of maks, wte The shool kol paramang the ame orhing hand or p ber of edes itaneh n and akny whe miing kp e dy king e m , Thiswete eanem in pe in thei Nha headmerf he No t kimdellhei pnal sps Non de tnd had p k u la . aing in oering d Pae andhdrd thee andSadery t cn in the sketary leve C per ceofdese ivie they w hdne in the aning nline There soe m ON e e ing hat downd e hi des eended hetlen The dmedthine nod th as t fh p lc La Crdete methe chullen. I denn wow p duing dae dane od iode wokw cipin of he hden the and e nd he wkepen theran aherndopnetm o TIAR LATE eal de of whd befer Manb he e nd pty eod intheie comper m torknde The Jane kuming de ol kieptenl p ade Cde esake he all d e d h ne eginnd laca wtdh dand r in pep r pnsial e aing Cadle kned an mlag The whd hat neda vey dea ed de-and diiting of the fecie in lehef the KIAID e w inge LaCaep ie The wetcam hlped ke r yai y ne ding dhe pylodaotin mand lan ingy. hn did f tac wmlenene he helpdlatae e ved bed e Th ing af pided ade tanen we je enga thes haen he waw eda da Sde ded dun and nal nd odninal atlie d in du p ivie ns N . hl d inEnd Freh mehemes and ioncen den ris rde w omp fndamenl th You want to continue to Mhnd he henla dring dtie i Cale e ve pelf eler offer your students the a ingee he pe nimping nd plasndsisn f tin wwdo They en ed mhon the d p inghe Manh tk nd of instruction and peopune ke the le ching Peryehe wh ee theis pland me eedett e t li leing Thidng dee yma g cp f ring d lge chalnn m cha "Tipa ty meif ywa fler e the seme eelle dey of inghe n ie ing d ding daly einanata ea a se e id alaro R nd ttaCe hare beme Atoe in mp d diglaka gagof aden day some excellent quality ingkn he tle netlin leen. I me wa he edinal ba bte he "Theirmpreive. petel and yenher e then e. diined mde eide The metal and ednal deve le wdetermined iteingd len in tl mind duy mpethei wne lia themind be d per education during the lockdown B the w t LaCe, i at h d th pa s they and y of teircomm henloe When hd d the ingf Ment Manh la ko ir tnaleam Clete wale t erpe or ond nl ig TaCealelle kan deediet their pn todinE vitest he ore line. t wah reesks le in din md the leeg e Ggle e fir e dne da tt Ou e e ing the i de The enihd g the dedi dinehengingi and aly vhnid wah he e aCalle' mtary shnd che tedaf wven poinda de and l di d ly deove ogitin ther incode hi pende hu been HOW THET ROSE TO THE CHALN p hin chalings, he ewben nd aff La Ciadelie lied ee wow the hod der veded nlein heir anine d think the vt dading pm mal nde be har the uly dclane t an wh e made Lale eprinl pla an etee evey perle tha la Jne 20, the ad la ddin The shd ik er det eendf hed in ing wh glean echleninhem INe hieve their be ademically and EPERIENCE ONINE penw the pe ery r ppwin h er ad Gdine la odol perialoilenei Telen aty at he beie mninary Coke I Wir t od sin handeem ntlate Theahe t undd wene and handk. uled e the eperience, gainel the kedwhin c The fthe piv we ate the hd hat nety f id Mahe i e e hei aded o edwn and wellbeing e den te de b Man d ing l he i al te e theipaed etnd gef the chton, the eUKl n ma wih wwhondthe hldingh i taa Vie lae m Thed hednl e d laae ad dary al e Eernatn a nd ie the deme ig eadnini P l ingepernl deshewaakades ia Depare Sed niveniy pope desa dingale Vlae ped ti t e pon Aoe he ge hen dionringtkey inae. aits and theirdevi the w epere nd en pety eingwih porwnal pwih o imed den ant dingpeof k nd ndn nd ltiveies the whe wd d ing The tent einknation in wh edan. Themas, teankk vewh ei peon Sae dtor hieves des alin * e LA CITADELLE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCE ACADEMIC DISTINCTION & EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 2021-2022 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! AP wLACTADELLEACADEMYCOM | 14I 3-5