
Welcome to TAJ RUGS, we have been serving the Greater Toronto Area with a large selection of one-of-a-kind hand knotted and exclusive power loom area rugs since 1978. With over 15,000 area rugs, 1 retail superstore and 1 in-store gallery, we offer the largest selection of modern, transitional and traditional area rugs to serve all your design needs. Our family roots in the rug industry date back to the 1960s and 95% of our rugs are imported directly from the loom to our showrooms. We work directly with local manufacturers from over nine countries to bring you the latest designs and trends while cutting out all the middle man. This allows us to offer the best exclusive designs and quality at unmatched prices. We strive to offer the best in-store experience by offering complimentary design consultations and in-home trials. At Taj we stand by quality, design and responsibility.

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