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    November 15, 2019
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"It feels good to know it's all taken care of." 33 You are unique. Your life is unlike any other. By pre-planning your final arrangements now, you candecide how you want to be remembered. Ask us about your FREE Planning Kit! Take the first step, call today: Highland Hills Funeral Home & Cemetery 12492 Woodbine Ave. Gormley Brampton Funeral Home & Cemetery 10061Chinguacousy Rd, Brampton 289-323-0428 647-484-4736 Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetery 3164 Ninth Line, Oakville Highland Memory Gardens 33Memory Gardens Lane, Wilowdale 647-557-5481 289-351-0268 Resthaven Memory Gardens 2700 Kingston Road, Scarborough Glendale Funeral Home& Cemetery 1810 Albion Road, Etobicoke 647-503-0251 Arbor Memorial 647-484-4719 Glenview Memorial Gardens 7541Hwy #50, Woodbridge 289-236-0337 www.arbormemorial.ca Arbor Memorial Inc "It feels good to know it's all taken care of." 33 You are unique. Your life is unlike any other. By pre-planning your final arrangements now, you candecide how you want to be remembered. Ask us about your FREE Planning Kit! Take the first step, call today: Highland Hills Funeral Home & Cemetery 12492 Woodbine Ave. Gormley Brampton Funeral Home & Cemetery 10061Chinguacousy Rd, Brampton 289-323-0428 647-484-4736 Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetery 3164 Ninth Line, Oakville Highland Memory Gardens 33Memory Gardens Lane, Wilowdale 647-557-5481 289-351-0268 Resthaven Memory Gardens 2700 Kingston Road, Scarborough Glendale Funeral Home& Cemetery 1810 Albion Road, Etobicoke 647-503-0251 Arbor Memorial 647-484-4719 Glenview Memorial Gardens 7541Hwy #50, Woodbridge 289-236-0337 www.arbormemorial.ca Arbor Memorial Inc